Leadvisors Tower developed by LeadvisorSanei Hospitality Holdings (“LS Holdings’’) has been given a new and Japanese look by Toyohiko Yamaguchi, new Lead Archiect.
The building exterior façade is touched up with matte black aluminium system and glass glazing system to give a new modern and minimal look while the interior is inspired by Japanese “house-in-house” design concept that features traditional Japanese materials and characteristics.

Toyohiko Yamaguchi – Lead Architect works with PMU and local architect teams
The “new” Leadvisors Tower is the outcome of a long and intensive working sessions between LS Holdings’ management team, Project Management Unit and Japanese architect team led by Toyohiko Yamaguchi. Especially, Yamaguchi paid a working visit to Hanoi from 9 to 12 July 2018 to discuss in details with local architect and construction teams about his concept for Leadvisors Tower.

Preliminary design concept of main lobby at Leadvisors Tower
Toyohiko Yamaguchi is also the Lead Archiect of Sanei Archiecture Planning Co., Ltd – the second largest shareholder of LS Holdings. has over 25 years of experience in architect in charge of many international projects in Japan, Italy and Malaysia. His portfolio includes the projects of residential, offices, commercial and retail of architectural and interior design.